

























Christmas Greetings From SF Bay Area

Everyone in this picture would like to wish all the former classmates from the Class of 1976 a Happy Christmas and New Year.

Left to right: Tom LIM, Ronald CHU, Albert YEUNG, Steve CHAN


轉貼同學聚會通知 - Re-confirmed

Jackie Pang King Ming will be in town. Wahyanites are invited to join a dinner lunch gathering.

Date:21 December 2010 (Tuesday) To be re-confirmed after 17/12
29 December 2010 (Wednesday)
Time:7:00 pm 12:30 pm

鳳城酒家 (the previous 金龍船 near the KCRC bridge at Argyle Street, near the MongKok East Station)
富豪金殿 inside the Regal (富豪) Hotel at Causeway Bay.
Reservation is made under Mr Wan.


Season's Greetings



The piece of news copied below recalls me the above Chinese poem. One old boy taught me over email how to do virtual tour of a place via Google Map. Uncle Wah may be happier if he knows the technique.

Just click into the link below and type in an address (e.g. 開平赤坎). Select the "Satellite" tab and drag into the place you want to visit. If you tick "Photos" under the "More" tab, you could even see a number of photos around the area.

司徒華思鄉 託黨友拍照

(明報)2010年12月16日 星期四 05:05



轉載:Update on Homecoming Concert 2011

The Homecoming Concert to be held on 9 January 2011 has received widespread support from our alumni and the current students since the launch of our promotion campaign in October 2010. A lot of retired teachers, alumni, current students and even students from Heep Yun School, our friendly school, have committed to show their unusual performance talents at the concert. Father Deignan and some other popular retired teachers will also be one of our performers at the Homecoming Concert!

You surely cannot miss this chance to enjoy such a memorable show with such honourable performers! Come and join us!

If you have not got tickets yet, don't hesitate and fill in the attached ticket booking form. If you have any other enquiries, please contact Connie Chu by email at wkcchu@wyk.edu.hk or by phone at 2193 5303.

Kind regards,
Tom Ho
Chairman, Organizing Committee
WYK Homecoming Concert 2011




轉載:蘋果日報 (2010-12-11) - 名校減學額

Please click here for detials.


Small Reunion Walk

Date:Dec 11 (Sat)
Gathering:Fanling KCR at 9:15am
Route: 流水響 -> 桔仔山坳 -> 鶴藪 -> 沙螺洞 -> 鳳園

Up to now, 6 old boys plus some hiking friends have indicated to come.


轉載:九龍華仁家長會 - 特別通告

就11月30 日於明報及香港都市日報刊登『反對九龍華仁校方領導層「縮班」政策』啟事,九龍華仁書院家長會有以下聲明:

  • 九龍華仁書院家長會並沒有參與草擬此啟事,而發表人在未知會及未得到家長會同意下刊登此啟事。
  • 啟事提及之「縮班」政策應是校方建議的「優化小班教學計劃」。校方在2010年11月5日「優化小班教學計劃」家長咨詢會中,已知會家長此計劃並沒有迫切性,現階段仍在收集意見。
  • 九龍華仁書院家長會的會員就是九龍華仁書院的家長:校方曾致函邀請與計劃有關的中一至中四級家長出席2010年11月5日「優化小班教學計劃」家長咨詢會。當日超過二百位家長出席,校方先向家長詳細解釋計劃內容,然後出席家長踴躍提問及發表意見,校方亦即時聽取及回應,並同時將意見記錄下來。本會會員(家長)的意見是有經咨詢及收集,是故九龍華仁書院家長會不存在亦不可能如中啟事提及會「以個人判斷作出投票」及「因為受到壓力而盲目配合」。
  • 耶穌會的教育理念著重承擔及責任感。啟事發表人既「愛護母校」又「支持耶穌會理念」,理應對耶穌會的教育理念有深切了解及感化,為何隱姓埋名只署名「一群愛護母校及支持耶穌會理念的九龍華仁舊生、家長及老師」而不敢正名承擔責任?這是耶穌會理念嗎?事情實令人費解,也許更值得深思和反省﹗






Please click here for details.


轉載 Proposal on Small Class Teaching in WYK

Dear All,

I trust many of you have read the news on 東方日報 and 星島日報 in the last few days in relation to small class teaching in WYK. Based upon this, I have received a number of phone calls from the past students to request me clarifying with the school management on the news contents. Hence, I spoke to Dr. Tan last evening and obtained the following clarification:

(1) WYK is in the consultation period on the proposal on small class teaching in WYK. The SMC has no stance or view on whether this will be the way for WYK to go forward.

(2) The school management is still welcoming all stakeholders, including past students, to provide their views and opinions on this issue.

(3) Although the initial deadline as given by the Education Bureau to confirm whether adopting the proposal from the EB is in February 2011 (note: Michael Suen said the deadline would be 25th February, 2011 yesterday), there is no rush for WYK to make any decision on this proposal prior to such deadline. Thus, there will not be any decision to be made at the SMC meeting on 7th December, 2010.

Accordingly, since this is a serious and material issue which will affect the way WYK accepting Form One students and providing education to our current students, I would much appreciate it if you can continue providing your views/ideas/opinions on this matter to me so that I can collect all for the SMC to consider and for reference at the upcoming SMC meeting. Further, please kindly feel free to pass it to the other past students who may have other views to share.

Should you have any queries, please kindly feel free to call me at 9015-5726 or write to me to discuss.

Thanks so much for your attention and assistance in advance.


Sam Yu (83)

(Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010, 11:22 AM)

轉載 HKIIEL Business Conference

I am excited at bringing to your attention the Business Ethics Conference 2011, a great event organized by the Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership (HKIIEL).

As you may recall, the HKIIEL was founded and leaded by Fr. Deignan since 1997 to promote value education. In 2004, the institute organized an "Ethics in Business Conference" which was well received by the participants. Now the Business Ethics Conference 2011 is taking reservation.

Topics: Doing Good Business - Combining Business and Ethics
Date: 8th January 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30am - 1:00pm
Venue: Everest Suites, Level 5, One Pacific Place,88 Queensway, Hong Kong

Please broadcast this announcement to all your friends and fellow wahyanites. While I seek your help to spread the news, the conference is a public event and not limited to the Wah Yan community. People who are interested in this Business Ethics conference should make reservation as soon as possible as seats are limited.

Attached, you will find the flier giving the details of the conference and the bibliographies of the speakers. You may find more details about HKIILE at the above website.

Should you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact HKIIEL at 2384 1056 or Felix Tseng at 9657 0777.

Best Regards,

Felix Tseng



(星島) 2010年11月18日 星期四 06:30



Message from Ronald CHU - Dinner Photos

Dear All:

I feel so lucky to be able to dine with you and exchange thoughts, especially for some whom I did not have chance to meet since graduating from WYK (in 1978). This is a blessing.

Sorry that my limited time at HK did not allow me to accommodate the busy schedule of some of you (Jacky, Gordon, Wilfred, and Alan because of family emergency). May our good Lord watch over us and grant us another reunion opportunity in the future. For now, please refer to the attached photos
(1) (2) as souvenir. Also thanks to Francis for coordinating this event and suggesting the good rendezvous.

My best regards, and God bless.

(Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 12:03 AM)


轉載 One Family One Future Golf Day

Date: 20th January 2011
Venue: Hong Kong Golf Club

Please click here for details.



Ronald CHU will be in town. WYK alumni are invited to join a dinner gathering:

Date:4 November 2010 (Thursday)
Time:7:00 pm
Venue: Fung Shing Restaurant, 鳳城酒家 near the KCRC bridge at Argyle Street, Mongkok East Station. Booking is in the name of "葉生".

Up to now, some 16 old boys have indicated to come.

...... 14 old boys turn up.


轉載 WYKPSA:校友校董選舉結果

Please click here for details.


轉載 Homecoming Concert 2011

Please click here for details.


轉載 One Family Marathon 2011

Please click here for details.


Wah Yan IC 2010 - Message from Samuel Hoi

Do you remember Sammy Hoi 夏全正 ?
He was in 1D and left HK after F4.
You may click to read his message.


轉載 WYKPSA: Election of Alumni Manager

根據現行制度,九龍華仁書院之校董會中的眾成員中包括一名校友代表 (以下簡稱 “校友校董”)。根據九龍華仁書院舊生會於2010年週年大會上所通過之決議,校友校董之選舉制度已被修改,據此校友校董將以普選原則選舉。

新一屆之校友校董之任期將於2010年11月1日開始,而有關之選舉將於2010年10月31日(星期日) 舉行。候選人之參選資格以及選舉之其他詳情將於稍後公佈。



如有任何疑問,請以電郵 (電郵地址為 wykelection@gmail.com) 或電話 (電話號碼為9208 8374) 方式與本委員會聯絡。


轉載 WYK musical play

Romeo and Harriet
Date: 13 & 14 October, 2010
Venue: Tsuen Wan Town Hall
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Ticket Price: $800, $400, $200, $100
Email enquiry: Ms. Symeonides (romeoharriet@gmail.com)


Reflections of a retired WYK teacher

Have you ever been taught by "Maths Chai" ?


Invitation to the 2010 International Conference

Mr. Francis Kong could not resist anymore. After listening to Mr. Wong Chin-wah singing Toselli's Seranade in Cantonese, and Mr. Wilson Hsueh's "One Day When We were Young", he demanded equal time and sang a Japanese song. Fr. Joseph Foley sat there bemused and ............

For more, please click.


轉貼 Open Day 2010 of WYK

You and your friends are cordially invited to the Open Day 2010 of Wah Yan College, Kowloon - "Essence".

The Students' Association of Wah Yan College, Kowloon organizes an Open Day once every 5 years. During this two-day event, our campus will be open to the public with stalls and exhibitions set up, celebrating the 85th anniversary of our school. The Open Day aims at providing the public with an opportunity to experience the unique culture and school life of Wah Yan as a Jesuit school. The title of the Open Day this year is "Essence", meaning that students are going to present the core of their experience throughout the years of cultivation.

The details of the Open Day are as follows:

Dates:Saturday, 17 July 2010 - 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, 18 July 2010 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Venue: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon

Please note that NO parking space will be available due to the occupation of our car park for setting up outdoor stalls.

Should you have any queries, kindly feel free to contact the organizing committee through openday@wyk.edu.hk.



Stanley SO will be visiting HK. WYK alumni are invited to join a dinner gathering:
Date:23 July 2010 (Friday)
Time:7:30 pm
Venue: In Mongkok area, restaurant to be advised)


Wah Yan International Conference 2010

"Wah Yan Education, Spirit, and Service"
Date: August 20 - August 22 (Friday to Sunday)
For details, please click into:
official site of the 12th Wah Yan International Conference


轉載 Wah Yan Encore (10 Jul 2010)‏ --- Call for Group Ticket Orders

A batch of fifty(50) $100 tickets had been reserved for WYK'76 till 30 May 2010. Please contact Gordon or your class representative before 30 May if you wish to order tickets under this reserved pool so that you could sit and enjoy the event with classmates together. Alternatively, you are always welcome to make reservation directly as outlined in the attached file.
Click: www.wahyanonefamily.org/aeEncore2010.html and you will know why you should attend.


轉載 WYKPSA: 40th AGM (29 May 2010)

Please click here for details.

轉載 Visual Arts Exhibition - Highlights

[ Catalogue ] [ Press clippings ] [ Slides ]





轉載 Invitation for Donation to Annual Concert

DECAHEDRON, 16 May 2010, 7:30 pm, Sha Tin Town Hall
Organised by Music Association of WYK



Jackie Pang King Ming will be in town. Wahyanites are invited to join a dinner gathering.:
Date:20 April 2010 (Tuesday)
Time:7:00 pm
Venue: Regal Palace Restaurant, 3/F Regal Hotel, Causeway Bay
The reservation is under Mr Wan


RIP Sammy YUNG Chi-keung

Below is the sad news from Vincent (5.4.2010 Mon 1:46pm):

Dear ALL

A beloved friend of mine, a keen footballer & lefty, an active member of the WYK-76 class, an EE graduate of U of Alberta 1982 has passed away on afternoon of 2010-04-04 after battling cancer in Edmonton. Sammy YUNG Chi-keung was survived by Nigel who is in university and wife, Nora Yiu. He was 52, and his funeral in Edmonton will be next week.



轉載 Wah Yan Encore (10 Jul 2010)‏

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong and Wah Yan College, Kowloon have stepped into their 90th anniversary and 85th anniversary respectively. The first two celebratory events, namely the Walkathon and the Gratitude Dinner had already been held with great success last year. Our alumni of different generations have shown tremendous support to these 2 events. A sign of immense passion and love for the Schools, this is also indicative of how Wahyanites and our friends value Jesuit education.

The finale of our celebration programme, Wah Yan Encore, will be held on Saturday, 10th July 2010 at the Hong Kong Coliseum. It will showcase the essence of performing arts emerged in the histories of Wah Yan. More than 800 alumni, teachers, parents, current students and our friendly schools will be performing. It should be an enduring learning experience for everyone taking part in the event.

This ensemble has started preparing for the programme since last July. In the coming months they will shoulder intense revisions and mass rehearsals. On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are inviting you to attend this meaningful event. Just by accepting our invitation and come with your family and friends, you will send a strong message of endorsement to these diligent performers and workers. You will be a role model of “Man for and with Others” by empowering them to focus on delivering their very best.

We enclose herein the ticket order and sponsorship form for your perusal. If you would like to share your ideas, please kindly contact Lee Yu Leung on 6626 1111 or by email: yllee888@hotmail.com. We look forward to welcoming you at the Coliseum. May God bless you and your loved ones!

Yours faithfully,
Rev. Stephen Chow, S.J.
Chairman, Wah Yan 90th/85th Anniversaries Celebration

Steering Committee
Lee Yu Leung (WYK 75)
Head of Wah Yan Encore Organizing Committee


Birthday Party for Dr. Rev. Alfred Deignan, S.J.

Those interested please pencil down 22 March 2010 and return the reply slip by fax.


"Football Grass Field" Project of WYK

Need of professional advice on:

1) Whether an artificial grass field is a good alternative to the existing natural grass field? In medium term? In long term?

2) How many different types of artificial grass field WYK should consider? How many qualified vendors there are in the market?

3) What are the true costs of the artificial grass field, with ongoing maintenance included?

4) What are some other related construction costs, such as foundation, draining, or even lighting?

If you happen to know such technical expertise, please give Wah Yan a lead or referral and feel free to contact Gordon.

轉載 Our Marathon Team on 28 Feb

We are most pleased to inform you our Marathon Team had successfully completed their run today. The atmosphere at Pavilion was harmonious, as the Team started and finished together. Thanks to the ardent support from many of you and other philanthropists, we had managed to form a 120-people team and raised over $400,000 thus far, of which $250,000 has been appropriated to the schools to provide financial support and additional training for needy Wahyanites with merit in sports. We had also received a pledge of HK$100,000 per year from an alumni to support this meaning cause in the next 4 years. Donations for this campaign are still coming in.

What's more encouraging, our young runners had set sight on better results as the target for next year, for they believed Marathon running could elevate their self confidence and help their fellow schoolmates in need. These young Wahyanites had demonstrated the true spirit of Wah Yan "Men for and with Others". With their support, we could see long distance running will become a virtue of Wah Yan.

Taking this opportunity, may we thank you and the two Schools for your unfailing support to the Marathon Campaign. We will do our best in getting more runners and donations in the coming years. We enclose the press release and some of the pictures taken at our gathering point today for reference and sharing with your schoolmates. More pictures could be found at www.wahyanonefamily.org/m_runners2010.html later.


Best wishes,
Sydney, Philip, Simon, Terence, Ivan, Johnny, Tony, Monty and Leo



轉載 WYK 85th Anniversary Visual Arts Exhibition (29.4.2010 to 5.5.2010)

Please click for detail of the event.

轉載 WYKPSA News - Relief efforts for Haiti

The sponsoring body of Wah Yan, the Society of Jesus, is helping the Haitians to face this horrible catastrophe. Edmond Lo, a Wahyanite Jesuit novice from Canada, was preparing to teach in the Jesuit-run high school St-Ignace when the earthquake struck. Edmond survived the earthquake and has decided to stay to help the Haitians instead of evacuating back to Canada. Should you want to support the relief efforts for Haiti, you may make a donation thro one of the easy ways as detailed in the attachment.


轉載 Wah Yan International Conference 2010

Appeal for sponsorship from Derek LI, the son of a WYK76er
For details, see http://ic2010.wahyan.com/sponsors


WYKPSA Committee on F1 Admission


轉載 WYKPSA News - A Contemplation Workshop Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J.

Please find from the attached information of a Contemplation Workshop offered by Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J. (Dr. Stephan Rothlin as in the document). School Supervisor of WYK & WYHK, Fr. Chow Sau Yan Stephen, S.J. recommends our alumni who are inclined to learn different kinds of contemplation for their spiritual growth to sign up for this workshop. A similar workshop was held last year and the feedback was positive and confirming.
You can find further information of Fr. Rothlin and the workshop by visiting the following link:
Best regards,
Past Students' Association
Wah Yan College, Kowloon



LAM Tak Sum, Vincent (Sum Tsai) is in town. WYK alumni are invited to join a dinner gathering.:
Date:3 February 2010 (Wednesday)
Time:To be confirmed
Venue: Restaurant around Mongkok, to be confirmed


轉載 WYKPSA News - Invitation to support our Marathon Team & the 3rd Clinic (17 Jan)

Dear Teammates, Wahyanites, Parents, Teachers, Alumni and Friends of Wah Yan,

Happy new year and may we wish you good health and a very fruitful 2010!

We are getting close to the event day so let's gear up ourselves for a safe and happy running. Our 3rd Clinic will be held this Sun, 17th January 2010 at Wah Yan Kowloon at 0800am. We have invited renowned alumni Dr Chung Sheung Chi Sydney (鍾尚志教授), Dr Tsang Ho Fai Thomas (曾浩輝醫生) and Dr Tsoi Chi Wah Danny (蔡智華醫生) to be our guest speakers at the Clinic. They will share their professional knowledge in running, health and physique.

We said we want to galvanise funding to support our needy students with merits in sports, so that they could equip themselves with proper gear and focus on achieving new heights. The Schools are working on plans for new coaches, training programmes, bursaries and scholarship schemes to be launched in 2010/11. They are allocating some seed money for these schemes from a very limited resource. And to help our Schools implement these meaningful initiatives soonest, the Foundation is matching the allocation.

Hence if you and your classmates could contribute now, you would help our Alma Mater render timely support to our needy Wahyanites. Simply click www.wahyanonefamily.org/doc/m2010Enrolment.pdf to make a gift now please. Our goal is to raise sufficient funding by February 2010. The minimum is $500,000 but the more the merrier. Please visit www.wahyanonefamily.org/m_runners2010.html for more information.

A rundown of the Clinic on Sunday, 17th January 2010 is attached for reference. You are cordially invited to attend. Please gather your classmates, friends and families to join.

Sunday, 17th January, 2010, Wah Yan College Kowloon

8:00 am
Arrival and roll call

8:05 am
Dr Chung Sheung Chi Sydney (鍾尚志教授), Dr Tsang Ho Fai Thomas (曾浩輝醫生) and Dr Tsoi Chi Wah Danny (蔡智華醫生) to share their professional knowledge in running, health and physique

8:40 am
Group photo

8:45 am

These alumni will give you some very interesting and useful input for your health and preparation of the run. Your participation and timely support is paramount. See you on Sunday.

Best wishes,
Wah Yan One Family Foundation



Kenneth Tsui Keung is visiting HK. WYK alumni are invited to join a dinner gathering.:
Date:14 January 2010 (Thursday)
Time:7:30 pm
Venue: Chinese restaurant on 3/F Regal Hotel, Causeway Bay, HK
The reservation is under Mr Wan.

WYK76ers in Wah Yan Gratitude Dinner 2009